Home Insurance
Before you purchase your new home in Central or Northern California , you need to explore the benefits of home insurance. While there’s no law that requires you to have home insurance, it is a requirement of most home mortgage lenders. Fortunately, home insurance packs a ton of benefits that are designed to keep your home and assets protected. Shaughnessy Insurance Solutions offers personalized home insurance coverage options that are sure to meet your needs.

What Is Home Insurance?
Home insurance, also called homeowners insurance, is insurance designed to cover certain losses and damages to your home and belongings. Without homeowners insurance, the cost of rebuilding your home or replacing all your belongings would come straight out of your pocket. Home insurance from Shaughnessy Insurance Solutions lets you rest easy, knowing that everything you care about is protected.

Home Insurance Coverage
Home insurance typically helps cover:
Your dwelling
Other structures
Personal belongings
This means that your home’s structure and detached structures are both protected. Personal belongings coverage helps repair or replace your things if they are stolen or damaged by a covered risk. Liability coverage is also included to protect visitors who might get injured on your property.

Home Insurance Coverage Exceptions
While homeowners insurance typically covers damage caused by events like hail and fires, it does not cover all natural disasters by default. Flood and earthquake coverage is usually an add-on to your base home insurance policy, so make sure to consult our advisors in order to explore more coverage options.

Choosing a Home Insurance Agency
Home insurance agencies aren’t uncommon, but most aren’t special either. An independent insurance broker, like Shaughnessy Insurance Solutions, stands out. We offer personalized coverage with one-on-one customer care. You should feel confident that we care about your home and assets as much as you do.
You wouldn’t let a stranger into your home, so why let a stranger cover it? We provide a personalized approach to home insurance, offering quality coverage, competitive pricing, and a custom-tailored experience. Get a free estimate today!